Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Research Paper DRAFT #16

Samantha Nagengast
December 9, 2013
Dr. Chandler
Draft of Research Paper

What obstacles do teachers face when trying to integrate technology into a classroom without district support?

 Teaching in a classroom is a demanding job. Most people outside of the “education world” would probably agree that teachers spend most of their time teaching, but in fact teachers are responsible for much more than that. Not only do teachers have to teach, but they have to be psychologists, counselors, entertainers, not to mention authoritative figures towards their students. Children in our society have grown tremendously in ways of education and with the different ways students learn today, they are all pretty much based off of simple technology. Unfortunately, districts do not support technology in the classroom and also do not make it mandatory. Today, the majority of the main streamed students are now of Special Education and require certain and more attention from their teachers, teachers who need to be well educated with technology in the classroom. It gives the teachers a chance to do their lesson in other ways top allow every student in their classroom better understand.
Teaching with technology keeps teachers up to speed as well as possible with the latest technology out there. The only struggle is that teachers nowadays have to experiment and sometimes spend their own time and money in finding the best technology best suited for their students. It is to be said that technology is a teacher’s liberator, since technology helps reestablish the role and value of the individual classroom. It is in good conscious to incorporate technology into the classroom in order to create a community that nurtures, encourages and supports the learning process. In order to prove that teaching technology in the classroom is beneficial for students, I will be looking closely at an article called, Professional Development in Integrating Technology Into Teaching and Learning: Knowns, Unknowns, and Ways to Pursue Better Questions and Answers, by Kimberly A. Lawless and James W. Pellegrino. I will also be interviewing a teacher as well as observe both regular education and special education students to see how technology works for them and if there are differences.

Literature Review (still a work in progress)
What do I look for specifically in this article?
·         Discussion of online article
            Professional Development in Integrating Technology Into Teaching and Learning: Knowns, Unknowns, and Ways to Pursue Better Questions and Answers, by Kimberly A. Lawless and James W. Pellegrino

Methods (can add more)
What can i add here? I feel like I can add a lot more.
·         How the data was collected? (Interview, Questions asked, Observation)

            The research I am conducting looks at the obstacles teachers face when trying to integrate technology into the classroom. In order to learn and find out more about my topic I have conducted an interview with a classroom teacher who uses technology with her regular, as well as, her special education students. This interview process served as a way for me to understand what obstacles there were for teachers who use technology in her district. I recorded and transcribed the conversation I had with the head teacher in hopes of finding out what struggles, if any, the teacher faced when integrating technology into the classroom. I also observed how technology was integrated into the classroom and how the students responded to it and I also observed a hand full of students using technology, hands on, in small groups.

Data Analysis (still a work in progress)
·         Analyzing transcript/interview

Results/Connections (still a work in progress)
·         Connections of observation and interview to the article

            Technology within a classroom is not only beneficial for the teacher but for the students as well. When students use technology, whether is be as an education tool or a ways of communication, they are an active participant of the information given by the other person. Technology allows students to think critically, as well as, define their goals, make decisions and evaluate their progress. Also, technology allows the teacher to become a facilitator by walking around the classroom looking over shoulders, observing their students work, and helping/assisting when needed. This allows students to learn for themselves while following goals and guidelines set by the teacher. With technology integrated into the classroom, the students become more engaged, motivated, and excited to learn – they are now an essential part of the lesson because they take ownership of their own education process.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Research paper outline #15

Research outline – Teaching with Technology

Question: What obstacles do teachers face when trying to integrate technology into a classroom without district support?

Research essay: List of programs, what types of workshops are available to teachers (professional development), how technology is not limited in the classroom – my teacher decides to use technology as the bases of their education, technology requirement restrictions, how the district helps teachers use technology within the classroom

Teaching with technology within grade school.

·      Display your research question
·      Speak about what article you read
Literature Review
·      Discussion of online article (teaching with technology related article)
·      How the data was collected?
o   Interview
o   Questions asked
o   Observation analysis
Data Analysis
·      Analyzing transcript (interview)
·      Connections of observation and interview to the article
o   Teaching with technology related article
