Monday, December 1, 2014

Artifact #2

Ever since Willow’s father died (Cherry’s husband) Rachel has moved in with Cherry to help. As Rachel’s best friend, Cherry knows Rachel’s “secret” ambition to be President of Theopolis College. Rachel’s ambition for this position has driven her to live in a fantasy world, ultimately stealing and copying Cherry’s access to Theopolis College (Keys, ID, etc.) and creating her own “President of Theopolis” life. Cherry brings along Rachel to the award banquet and the Presidents Mansion. Cadence catches Rachel sitting at her home office desk clutching onto the “Distinguished Centennial Alumni” award (12lb crystal obelisk) in her hand as though it is a prized possession, while practicing her acceptance speech for president as though she has just won Miss America. Caught off guard, Cadence and Rachel begin an altercation. Things do not end well.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Artifact #1

Here is the link to my first artifact for Cherry Rhodes. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

All about Cherry Rhodes

I have decided to go with a Pinterest for Miss Cherry Rhodes so the outside world can becoming familiar with Cherry's likes and dislikes. For those of you who do not know Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests.

Pinterest account -
Gmail account -

As for the hypertext project we have to brainstorm, I know I want to create something interactive but
Im not sure in which direction I want to go in. As I am still familiarizing myself with the project,
brainstorming will be something that I will need to focus on to create an awesome artifact for my character,

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cherry Rhodes

Name Cherry Rhodes

Gender Female

Age 42

Nationality British

Race Caucasian

Religion Catholic

Job Occupation
Head of the Women’s Center and Professor of Woman’s Gender and Sexuality Studies at Theopolis College

Did your character attend Theopolis College?
Yes, Cherry has her M.A. in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and a Ph.D. in Sociology. She was the head of the Women's Right Group while attending Theopolis. Cherry graduated with Rachel the same year.

“Target Phrase” for your character
“I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves.” – Cherry's favorite quote from Women's activist, Mary Wollstonecraft

Background of relationship with Rachel Behar
While volunteering on campus and graduating from Theopolis together, Rachel and Cherry became very good friends, close to sisters. They shared each other deep dark secrets. Yet upon Cadence's murder, Cherry recently became very distant from Rachel once it was prevalent Rachel was a suspect. Two interesting things. One, Rachel is the Godmother to Cherry's daughter, Willow. Two, Mary Wollstonecraft's work was found in the magazine that was found at the murder scene.

Character Building

So brainstorming throughout the course of the week, one character idea came to mind. Cherry Rhodes came to mind. She is a feminist and was in charge of the woman's equal right movement on campus. You see girl power on campus, Cherry was right there in the midst of the crowd - probably, actually always, leading the crowd. Cherry is not someone who is easy to miss. As for personal background as she knows Rachel, I have not come up with that yet. Interested to see how the class discussions go tonight in order to maybe make some new information appear for Cherry.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Starry Starry Night

"Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul...
Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free" - Don Mclean

From the moment I read the title, Like Stars in A Clear Night Sky, Don Mclean's song, Starry Starry night played in my head. I think what works well in the story is the language performed for the viewer. It relates to the piece's comforting and almost relaxed tone and focuses attention on stories of the challenges of life and love on the characters. When doing some more research on this piece, I enjoyed that even though there wasn't a formality, you still understood what was going on. It was easy to navigate and also his use of beginning most of the sections with, "Shall I tell you about..." makes the viewer engage in finding out more about the author and his person notations of his thoughts.  It was a good piece to read before you went to sleep. It was serene. It was dreamy. It was elegant. It was poetry.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Twelve Blue

Twelve Blue was an interesting story to say the least. Everyone the reads, at least I assume everyone, like the formality of the text. They look forward to that page turner they find at least once in a chapter and maybe every page. This story did not have the page turner, but it had some sort of excitement there - a mystery, an unknowingness of what the author was trying to prove.

It was hard to get into the story since I did not feel a flow. I felt like a child with a disability of ADHD or Dyslexia, not being able to form an idea while reading, since each section did not flow with the one that was previously read. I guess this is what happens when you experience things you are not familiar with. It is however a very artistic way of bringing a story out (if there really was one). In this case, everyone that reads, Twelve Blue, will have a different take on it and I am curious to see what everyone else thought.