Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Analysis of Ethnographic Event #4

Samantha N. Jaleel T. Carolina V.

What forms seemed most effective for each of the 4 different kinds of notes?
·         Key words (laughed, shake hands, movie theater, commuting, praxis)
·         Details (Marc likes Kean, Emily commutes to Kean)
·         Names (Marc, Emily, Courtney, Sabrina)
·         One word answers (Paramus, Hillside, Garden State Plaza, Disney World)

Head Notes
·         Looking back and expanding the information under jotting (Class laughed when Professor interrupted)
·         Adding each key word to a sentence (I don’t want to talk about the praxis anymore)

Things I remember
·         Paragraph form (People were still talking even though we were instructed to go back to our seats)
·         Adding more information between each key word sentence (Everyone had different questions to ask)
·         Allows the passage to become readable

·         Giving you the opportunity to add what you need to conclude your assignment (The conversations were very genuine which made it easy to keep the conversation going.)
·         In a paragraph form

What was the purpose for each form? 

Jotting – are intended to help us remember things
·         Is to quickly take notes
·         Quickly observe
·         Key Words
·         Help remember what you quickly wrote down

Head Notes – coding and memoing
·         Expanding out the information of jotting
·         Fluffing the sentences to make more of a story
·         Combining ideas and words to make complete sentences

Things I remember later - Look at key words from jotting and be able to come up non-essential detail
·         Refresh your memory
·         Allowing you to already pick out key points and notice small detail

 Observations – provides detailed information about the analysis
·         Wrap up entire Ethnographical Research -Concluding
·         Able to give final thoughts

And which kinds of notes best met that purpose?

We believe the person who was number 4 followed all these directions correctly

·         Used one or two key words (Hillside, Laughed, Graduating soon)
·         Names (Sabrina, Emily, Marc)
·         Movements (shake, laugh)
·         Places (Garden State Plaza, Hillside, Disney World)
·         Tangible objects (Hands)
·         Conversational rule (asked Courtney where she lived)
·         Paid attention outside the box (Laughing, English Majors)

Head Notes
·         Expanded the key words to one full sentence (Angie lives where my dad works)
·         Talked about feelings (What makes me happy)
·         Quoted other peoples conversations (My most favorite place to be on earth is on the beach)

Things I remember
·         Did not use paragraph
·         Used one sentence form to complete her ideas (Sabrina and Marc were writing their notes on their phones)
·         Did not fluff sentences or make them illegible (Everyone had different questions to ask)
·         Gave more information about the environment and the people in the classroom (The first three people I spoke to were already sitting in my row)

·         Chronological order
·         Paragraph form
·         Took all information and made it into a story
·         Also gave her opinion on how the activity worked out well for them (I think this activity worked really well cause we were able to see what it is like to take field notes as well as being able to get to know our classmates a little better)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ethnographic Fieldnotes #3

During class time we had to observe what we saw during our "meet and greet." After we were given a list of the categories to keep in mind as we wrote down our observation: jottings, headnotes, things I remembered later, and observations about what happened. Being it the first time many of us had to perform the Ethnographical way, it was a challenge. But now that we have had some hands on experience with it and understand it better, its not that bad. Here is what I observed:

  • Everyone was nervous to meet someone new.
  • Only nervous when you don’t know what to talk about
  • Girls basically stayed with girls and guys stayed with guys
  • Even though there were only two guys in class
  • I sat because I was tired and stayed close to my belongings
  • Professor was quite involved with what her students were talking about – maybe to better understand what they were about as well.
  • The discussion would have been a lot easier if there was a topic to discuss.
  • Felt like speed dating
  • There were usually two or three people to a group.
  • People stayed were they were supposed to (in the isle)
  • Not many people moved around. Just enjoyed the awkward silence, since we didn’t know what we were doing.
  • I noticed that two people had nose rings and many people were talking about how they were teaching majors
  • I spoke to Jaleel and Elijah and we reintroduced ourselves because we had class together before
  • I also noticed that people who still knew each other stayed close to one another.
  • Jaleel had a GEEK sweatshirt on. I liked it
  • Many people were talking notes. I observe and remember well enough to be able to type about it later.
  • The atmosphere – beginning felt uncomfortable, the end was a bit more comfortable
  • Was more relaxed when you were able to talk to people you already knew. Since in the beginning you were made to talk to people you didn’t know.
  • Volume and sound – quiet in the beginning and louder at the end, more laughter closer to the end.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Shaggy Dog Stories #2

-Formal Vocabulary
-Non-essential details
-Keyword for punch line
-Culture Knowledge
-Irrelevant punch line
-3 plot Development
-3 plot Development
-Story Background
-Cultural Knowledge
-Panda is a stereotypical rude New Yorker
-3 plot development
-Story background
-Dialogue - imaginary character
-Background knowledge
-Play of words
-Play on words
-Real Characters
-Cultural Knowledge
-Punch line had nothing to do with the story
-Literary Language
-Imaginary happenings in the story (bear eating someone whole)
-Cultural Knowledge (lawyer joke)
-play on words (punch line)
The features that all jokes have in common are the following:
-Cultural Knowledge
-Play on Words
-All speak about relatable human experiences
-All humorous punch lines

Friday, September 6, 2013

Research Writing Studies #1

My passion is in teaching and everything that goes along with it. I am an avid believer in changing someones life and being a positive role model for them. I have been thinking over what I would want to research in this class and I have come up with some ideas.
  • Technology in the classroom and how it is beneficial for students with a disability
  • Different ways students learn and the outcome
  • How students with different disabilities learn. I.E. Downs syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing impairment, dyslexic, etc.
  • School uniform vs. No uniform
  • How many kids should really be in a class. Mainstream - good or bad?
Hopefully in the next couple of classes I can get some input on these subjects. With the amount of teachers in the class I'm sure I will be able to figure something out.