Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Developing a Research Plan #10

Familiarize yourself with your topic:
I hope to show that technology in the classroom helps students with a disability learn better. I hope to show that studies have shown that technology for students with a disability is better for them and what types of technology works in their favor.

Detailed statement of your research plan:
Notice the amount of students in the classroom
See how many students have a disability
Notice what percentage and ratio of students with a disability and students of general education
See how much technology is in the classroom
Notice how well the teacher knows technology
Notice how well the school knows technology, if whether or not that portray is throughout school

List of the information you need to gather:
How teachers communicate with the children with a disability
If they allow students with a disability extra time with technology in the classroom
What activity the students are learning at the moment I am observing them
Observed notes from the classroom and students

A Preliminary list of sources:
Plan for gathering your information that includes:
I will be studying students with a disability in a mainstreamed classroom
I will be collecting my information from interviewing a teacher (friend of mine) with Special Education students in her classroom.
I will only be studying technology and special education students (1/2)
Methods I will be using will be observing and interviewing teachers

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