Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rubric Self-Assessment #12

20   quality of the research question
19 - I feel as though I gave a good question. The question I gave related to the Data Set as a whole and a question I tried to get an answer to for myself by the end of my analysis.

20   developed categories of analysis relevant to the data and to the research question
18 - I feel as though I split up the categories in of the data set into two parts just to make it easier for me to analyze each excerpt and how (A) went about their answers. Maybe, I could have split it up more and went into more detail, but for the assignment I believe I did my best.

15   relevant, effective examples to demonstrate what the categories show with respect to the research question
14 - I gave an example to each claim I was making in the paper. I spoke thoroughly through each example and supported them the best way I knew how with out making the paper all about my personal opinion.

15   clear, direct statements of what the examples show with respect to the research question
15 - My questions were relevant to how complicated her position was in both excerpts. They were clear and direct and were supported well.

15   clear, logical organization appropriate for writing studies research essays
13 - I believe my paper was very organized. I split it up into opening, excerpt 1, excerpt 2, and conclusion. I believe it flowed very well.

10   conclusion  sums up findings and reflects on limitations of the analysis and/or further possibilities for study
8 - This wasn't the best conclusion I could have given but I feel as though I wrapped it up nicely and gave my opinion on the situation presented in the data set.

5     grammar/readability
4 - I believe my grammar was readable. I am a grammar fanatic and I hope that showed in my paper.

I believe my paper would be A boarder line B. At least I hope :)


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